Saturday, July 23, 2011

I live in an apartment where can I hang my diplomas and certificates...?

've heard it said not to hang your diplomas up in your home because it looks tacky; however, I personally don't buy into that. I've made some accomplishments and I am very proud of that. Looking at my diplomas encourage me to continue to be a go getter in other endeavors. Now, as I stated before, I live in a one bedroom apartment (900 sq. feet). I did have some certificates by the entrance/exit door, but now I'm thinking of purchasing a desk so I can make an area of my living room look like an office section and I can hang my certificates there. Suggestions please!

How do you handle a situation like mines baby mama drama?

Wow, what a bunch of confusing garble you just shared. It was hard to figure out what you were trying to say, like you bring up "he" without saying who "he" is. You made your choice to be with this woman who is obviously "playing you", and her ex-husband is not responsible for trying to discourage her communications with him. Too bad about who picks up your girlfriend's can't change it, even though you want to change it. You already have five kids of your own, and you made those choices too, so you need to "man up" and deal with the costs of your large family.

Any good pranks to pull on cuzins?

kk so im going to NC (outerbanks) and theres gonna be 11 ppl... i wanna pull pranks on my 2 boy cuzins... going into 9th grade and 6th grade.... im 13 and going into 8th grade... what r some good pranks tht i can pull wen theyre sleeping or r out of their room? annythign tht u can give me wood be uber appreciated... nothing damaging to the property as we r just rentin the house... TY

"No Quitter, Go Getter" (old song) by Lil Wayne? Can't find on Itunes?

I know this is an old song, but i found it on Youtube and I love it! But I couldn't find this song on Itunes, I tried everything. Is it even on Itunes/ did they take it off because I thought it used to be? Thanks!

I have a cat litter box question?

I help with a rescue and have 6 cats currently (All spayed and neutored). All the cats have some kind of special needs. I love every one of them dearly they are my four-legged kids LOL. Here is the question what automatic litter box would you say is best for this many cats and depending on what the needs are can have two or three more so let me know please. The six cats will never be able to be adopted so I will keep them unless a proper home is found and where I live that is very slim it would ever happen. The chance of me giving these animals up are slim to nil though because I have had all six of them over a year. LOL Thank you ahead of time for answering this, I appreciate it very much. A side note I have a huge house plus the cats have their own room to play and romp around. They have 4 or 5 huge cat trees so FYI these cats are taking very very very good care of. DO NOT BASH YOU WILL BE DELETED!!!!!! TY and God Bless

I'm writing my speech for English class and i need an attention getter?

Are speech's have to be on a career we want to do when we are older. Mine is a firefighter. I have know idea how to start of my speech with something interesting without making me look dumb in front of 28 kids! please help.

What to wear to a maths seminar?

I'm going to another city to my first maths seminar. While I've been at colloquia in campus, consisting mostly of lectures given by our professors' fields of study, this one's more advanced and will have people coming over from different countries. Out of respect for the speakers, I'm inclined to wear pants (anything but denim) and sweaters or buttoned shirts with any shoes other than tennis shoes. However, I'll go for jeans with plain t-shirts and tennis shoes for the sake of comfort if it's ok to do so. Any advice?

How hard is it to get a nomination for USNA? How do I look for USNA?

Find a blue and gold officer (guys who look for qualified applicants). Get your SAT scores higher. I didn't know that history had an SAT test (SAT II maybe?). Work on building your athleticism. You don't have any real endurance sports on your qualifications and why don't you do track any more? Good luck.

I want to join the australian military?

Perhaps you can get the answers you seek by asking your questions in the Australia Yahoo!Answers site, a link to which is located near the bottom of this page.

If a U.S. Naval Officer fails Navy SEAL training, can he attend training to become a Naval Aviator?

I am currently a Junior in high school, and I plan on attending the U.S. Naval Academy after I graduate high school. As I was accepted to the Summer Seminar over the summer, I began to think about my future after the Academy, if I am fortunate enough to be accepted. So far, I have narrowed down my options to six choices. They are Navy SEALs, Naval Aviator, Marine Corps Aviator, Marine Corps Ground, Surface Warfare Officer, and Naval Flight Officer (subject to change). I was wondering, if I am accepted to SEAL training after being commissioned an Ensign in the U.S. Navy, and I fail SEAL training, can I still attend flight training to become a Naval Aviator, my second choice?

Need help with English. Need an attention getter for speech. please help?

Hello. I am doing a speech on how the prolonged lockout will affect the NFL, players, coaches, and fans. I need some help coming up with an attention getter. anything would be helpful. Thank-you.

Early labor ? just need to know wat was ur experiences and this is my 2nd baby :p?

39 /4d preggo and wondering if having period cramps is a sign of early labor and if the uterus has too harden when i do have them? i do have contraction on and off ... sometimes regular like every 20 min for an hr then it stops ty ladies for ur input :)

Should the guy always make the first move?

I'm a very straight forward go getter type of girl without being too pushy and I've liked this guy for about 2 months. I think he's somewhat into me. He looks my way and he's always around even though we don't have any mutual friends. So since I'm such an aggressive (impatient) person, I usually just tell the guy that I like him, but my friends and my mom tell me every time that I should wait for the guy to make the first move. I'm trying to wait for him to make the move, but I'm dying here! Should I just tell him I like him or should he make the first move?

What happens if I unplug my laptop while it is doing updates?

I just accidentally unplugged my laptop while it was doing updates and now it has been installing the same update for awhile now. What should I do! And would this damage my laptop? I'm so scared! Please help and Ty.

I have a semianr on the topic computer overview this is the first time i am conducting seminar so someone plz?

plz someone help me will i start the seminar......this is for the time i am conducting a seminar so plz help.....the topic is COMPUTER OVERVIEW....i have to talk about 5 to 7 mins .......plz help....

Fashion Statement; Does It Fit?


Should i stay in business or sell out? Economy is tough and stress is affecting my health and family?

I would sale it. It's not worth losing you health over. If your wife can cover the bills on her income take a awhile off and stay home with your kids. They we be grow and gone before you know it. You may also want to find some part time work in the same field as a sales rep or manger. just my thoughts.

Is there a free forex seminar near North Sydney?

I wanted to check out a free forex seminar near North Sydney, or anywhere in Sydney. I'm just curious. Is there any that you know of?

Mortgage payment on time?

My lender is GMAC Mortgage and during these times it getter harder and harder to pay I have a discover more card with a $46000 credit limit YEAH My credit is 840 can I pay my mortgage payment with this card my mortgage is 11,299.00 my home value went down so much it's now $1,995,000.00 I'm so pissed

How Can An IT Graduate Find A Job?

Congrats on your graduation! You just said what your problem was, transportation. Now that you have graduated your next goal should be to apply yourself and learn to drive so you can get the jobs that are in your field as you said your family will help you with a car so won't they help you with getting the lessons you need to become a licensed driver. Even if you have to take a part-time job somewhere that is not in your field to get money to help pay for your driving lessons its well worth it to get you where you need to be. Good Luck to you and Congrats again!

Where can I find these shoes in size 15??? They are called AFJ 20 fusion navy/white(link included)?

a href=",r:8,s:10&biw=981&bih=661" rel="nofollow"…/a

What do white guys look for?

This is hard to answer because every guy is different. I think that white guys like girly girls more though but like I said every guy is different. Just be yourself and don't be shy! I like white guys too and I am Hispanic but I always end up dating white guys. Don't feel like white boys won't like you because of your skin. I feel as if white guys are more likely to date a white girl is because other races don't tend to associate them with them as much. Therefore, there is more white girls for them to go for. Just don't be shy and be yourself around them! :)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Help with a good attention getter for my research paper?

I'm writing a research paper on alzheimer's disease and I'm having a really hard time finding attention getter. Please help? Thanks(:

Im really afraid of stuffed animals that have the beanies in them like the Ty beanie babies help?

Okay I have been this way since i was little, ive been scared to touch or think about touching these stuffed things (stuffed with 'beanies') It sounds dumb but i get a weird feeling in my head and arms, its achy and weird, is it a phobia if so which one? If not, what is it please help? its not funny . ):

Double major in two unrelated areas advice?

Dump the anthropology as it does not lead to a job. And does nothing to help you in the other major.

My gf was sexually abused very young?

finding a psychologist to help with this is always a good thing, but if she wants to meet people with similar circumstances, a support group would definitely help. i'm sure a psychologist could find some or local law enforcement or even victims advocate services and social workers could definitely help.

She's 17 and perfectly capable of moving out on her own, am I wrong to ask her to stay at home?

As a 19 year old all I ever wanted was my parents to support my dreams, they always made me do things I wasn't happy with. They are finally supporting my dream. I understand it might be hard to let go but the best thing you can do is let her be free to soar. You should be happy to see her succeed because of your good work raising her :)

Do online votes actually count for the MLB *** Star Game?

I know, I know. You'd think it would be higher than 10 million. I don't know. Say there are two million Twins fans. They all vote for Jason Kubel 25 times (like me). There would be fifty million votes for Jason Kubel! You're absolutely right!

Hello i need to make an child sized cloth diaper.?

I have, old boxers, a tshirt, sissors,buttons, a sowing kit. It wont actually be used for the toilet we need one for the feel. Ty

Descriptive writing piece for starving child? Help?

I need help grabbing in the reader with a very descriptive and sad attention getter. I need help describing a starving child in africa. Thank you, I wont steal your work I just need some inspiration

Romeo and juliet english paper help?

my prompt is should friar laurence have married romeo and juliet im arguing no and i can't think of a good attantion getter. help?

Need some help in this situational problems. ty:)?

Homework question. Can't help you because we don't know what your instructor is expecting. He's probably assigned you some reading for these answers.

How to talk to guys? Help....? D:?

A guy will paranoid about it too. Awkward situations will arise, and that happens to anyone. Be calm, and act like you are talking to a brother, or a friend. SOmeone that you are comfortable talking to. Siblings fight tease and make fun of each other. I have a sister, i make fun of her, she makes fun of me. most people go through it, and it is is not like the social scene AT ALL. It will be weird at times, but just be confident. Being able to laugh at yourself helps, too. Guys like it more when a girl starts conversation or if a girl is a little flirtatious. Just don't go overboard on the flirting, or you'll end up where you don't want to be. Just stay relaxed, confident, and don't over analyze the conversation. Keep it cool, and just say whats on your mind.

Do you think this guy need a teeth job?

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Who is more likely a terrorist?

Both could be in their own way; Michael Stipe pushes the homo agenda and the teacher could be a degenerate trying to indoctrinate instead of educate.

Wow..or I like this dress to go out in what do you think?

its very revealing, if your comfortable with men staring incessantly then go for it, could send me a picture of you in it so i can give a better analysis ;D lol

How do i crash my hard drive before my computer coverage ends?

If its a Dell call them. You can extend your warranty for less effort than ripping them off. Running it all the time does nothing.

What do Arsenal need in terms of personnel in order to mount a serious title challenge?

I'm an arsenal fan, and as much as it's hard to say I think it's time for wenger to leave, we need money spent on players, a goalkeeper, another good defender and a big strong midfielder like viera was.

How to stop procrastination?

I realized that I have a fear of not understanding my hw and so I avoid. I also want it to be perfect instead of slow absorbing. I hate this habit and I want to change it. I want to be a go getter and result oriented. I tried setting goals. I try calendar and not thing is working. Can someone give me advice? I am at a university and I study mostly all the time but I am not absorbing as my classmates are. I am even considering going to Kumon (tutor for little kids) to get help. How was your thinking process when you are result oriented? How did you stop procrastination or what is the secret to stopping it? It is ruining my goals and life.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

How can you remove a governor from an engine?

there is an engine that i am going to buy and put it on my go kart because it is 16hp and 3600 RPM's. But when you remove the governor from the engine so it will get 20hp and 6800RPM So its gonna be a bad *** go kart. BBBBUUUUTTTTTTT,,,, I don't know how to remove the governor. So help me out guys? I wanna be the fastest out of my friends But i cannot do it without this!!! guys please help ty ty ty ty ty ty

What is this shirt and where can i buy it?

That is just a simple gray cardigan- you could find one at almost any department store. I prefer target- I have seen these types of cardigans for men there for about 20 dollars. Hope I helped!

How do you remove the governor from an engine?

You run that motor at 6800 for long and your gonna be buying a new motor soon. You want to be the bad *** on the street - hook your go cart up with a chain saw motor running straight in-line to the axel. That bad boy will be turning at more like 10,000 rpms without blowing. Problem will be low hp which means slowing down going up hills but this can be compensated for by running duel engines- one motor for each back wheel. Takes a little trial and error to get them running in line but you'll be leaving your friends in the dust. Wear a freaking helmet cause mine does every bit of 70+.

LADIES-- do you ever have to push your boyfriend or husband to be more ambitious?

My boyfriend always needs to be pushed and encouraged, and im more of a go-getter so it gets annoying..... he has had a hard life and lost some confidence but now he is getting on track and is planning on starting his own business..........should I dump him?

What celebrity does she look like?

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How often should I wash my doggy?

Hy guys real quick question. I have a pomaranian and chihuahua mix. I dont wanna wash her too often because my aunt washed her terrier every week and her dog get a skin infection. So I think i wanna bathe her once every month. But if lets say it was really rainy and she got wet and dirty is it okay if i just bathe her with clean water and no soap as often as I want? I know seems like a dumb question but I have no common sense sorry and ty guys <333

Attention getter help?

I like the suggestions above, but I think they removed some of your strongest original wording. The words "pain" and "crying" are internal to your listeners and evoke emotional responses you don't get with words like "drugs" and "alcohol".

Is there a chance of us getting back together?

I want my ex back and this week we both went to vegas for a work trip/vacation (im 19 she's 18) we talked and everything, we joked with each other and we hung out a lot. We broke up 4 months ago and it's because shes going off to college next year. We didnt have any arguments during the vacation but we did sit together and hang out a lot. Im pretty sure I caught her a couple of times staring at me in the pool and at other times. I feel like she still has feelings for me, but im not sure. I want her back really bad, I wanted to tell her how I felt but i never got a good opportunity. The last we night we were there she got a call from her parents because they were staying at a different hotel and all of the seminars were at the hotel i was staying at. We were walking around the mirage with a couple of friends when she got a call from her parents it was 10 pm and they were waiting at the lobby of the hotel for her, they argued and she started to cry because her parents were mad at her and she was in trouble. We got back to the hotel and we went to my room cause she left her gear bag there and we had to grab it. We got in the elevator just us and she said she was in big trouble, so i pulled her in and just gave her a hug cause she was really distraught about her family. When i gave her the hug she put her arms around my hips. We got to my room and she grabbed her stuff and i gave her another hug and just told her she's only gotta put up with it for another month. Heading back to the lobby she was freaking out a I rubbed her back and she didnt do anything to stop me. does she have feelings for me still? (she was my first girlfriend too (i know pathetic) so I dont know whats going on)


Hi guys, i'm planning a 10-12 day tour in eastern canada...could you suggest me the best national parks and places that i shouldn't miss? ty 10 points


whats a good attention getter ? I have been hours & hours thinking of one but it wont pop up in my mind !!! can you please help ? thanks so much I appreciate it ( :

Persuasive Speech against euthanasia?

Actually, the only valid point I've ever heard against euthanasia is the damaging impact it can have on the person who assists. Otherwise, why prevent people ending a life that is going to end anyway? Is there really any point to another week, month or year of pain/suffering? Isn't euthanasia the more humane option?

Is it recommended to mix Creatine Monohydrate with milk?

Hi guys...i am using creatine monohydrate manufactured by British Nutrition (1 teaspoon in 125 ml of lukewarm water) as directed on the pack....i want to know if i can mix it with milk or not...pls answer this question if ur sure about it...additional information about creatine monohydrate are welcomed...ty ^_^

What does lord of the flies have in common with frankenstein?

I have to do a comparison seminar and i need help finding a couple major things (could be themes) between the books. It cant just be like, both books have people in them. I have one, and that is that in both books, the main character(s) are running away from something that they created and there is a chase, but i need about 2 more. please help!!

Ramadam: Do Muslims Have Any Huge Festivals For Young Muslims?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Buy or Hack Terraria?

Should i buy or hack terraria? I already have the hacked version and i play on it for a phew days now, it has everything its version 1.0.5 the multiplayer works everything is same to the real version. But still i am not really sure and want to ask is there some difference to the real version? But still i think its best if i just wait for a update where it cant be hacked because the hacked version doesn't auto patch of course and i have to find them every time when the game is patched. So maybe that's the only pros that you have when you buy it auto-patch or is there more? Ty.

What is a good inspirational music quote for an attention getter?

I am doing an Expository Paper at my school and I need a quotation for my introduction. I was looking for an hour on the internet and can't find anything. If you can find one copy and paste it on the answer and tell me what exact link you got it from. Thanks!!!

Does this sound like shes interested? super short question for smart people only?

relationships can start and build up over is a good way to know each others mind.if you are sure you want to carry things further you can get a bit bolder and see how she rresponds.the fact that she is sharing these texts with you shows that she likes chatting with you and may be interested.girls try to read your mind by mentioning other smart.compliment stand a good chance.

Good pranks to pull on my cuzins?

kk so im going to NC (outerbanks) and theres gonna be 11 ppl... i wanna pull pranks on my 2 boy cuzins... going into 9th grade and 6th grade.... im 13 and going into 8th grade... what r some good pranks tht i can pull wen theyre sleeping or r out of their room? annythign tht u can give me wood be uber appreciated... nothing damaging to the property as we r just rentin the house... TY

Class involvment for cosmetic surgery?!?

Im doing my isu seminar on tuesday, and my essay was about the risks, cons, dangers etc of cosmetic surgery. But i need help!!! im not a very creative person, and for my seminar we have to involve the class with our topic for example if someone was doing teen prgnancy they got people to put beachballs in they're shirts, and got them to try and pick things up. but i need class involvment for cosmetic surgery. Thank you SOOO much!

Need attention getter for introduction to a paper?

My paper is about how the US should have stricter laws concerning illegal immigrants. I have the rest of my paper done, but I need a good attention getter for my introduction....any ideas? Thanks for the help!

Is it ok to eat raw egg or mixing raw egg in milk recommended?

you will probably get salmonila poisioning if you put raw eggs it.. this could possibly cause you to fall very ill so i would not suggest to do that.. (:

How do i find a good lawyer?

i am looking for an attorney to help with an appeal for my wife's disability claim. the problem is valid denial is just a basic step. (hasn't actually happened yet just looking ahead) i need to know if there is a website or source that can guide me to a reputable lawyer. we are looking for someone who is quick efficient keeps us updated and a real go getter. problem is the shisty ambulance chasers fit a similar build. and we have already had someone give us information on what they could do and how they could do it that ended up being illegal. so anyway any advice would help.

Java Code for Inventory Part 3 will not complie?

The constructor in the Manufacturer class is misnamed as Television(...). It should be named Manufacturer(...) instead.

I need help with my persuasive speech!?

Its about wearing faux fur rather than real fur what is a good attention getter and what are some good main points i could use??/ help please

Electoral College Attention Getter?

Tomorrow, I am giving a speech against the Electoral College and why it should be eliminated in favor of a more democratic process where the popular vote decides on elections. BUT, I need a very good, savvy, and smart ATTENTION GETTING statement to start off my speech with. It doesn't need to be long. Just something to grab the audiences attention, but at the same time segue-way into my thesis statement which is that the electoral college should be eliminated. Can someone give me an idea on one I could use or tell me a statement that you would use? I need some insight.

Hi! Am I Attractive? I need opinions?

There is nothing wrong with you, kids at school are just mean and jealous. Don't let what they say bother you...

Should I take this job?

Just graduated high school and just got hired for my first job. I would start next week and it is at the UPS store. However, I will be moving out of state September 22nd for college. I was just looking for a summer job but what is bothering me is how much he emphasized this being a long term position and that if I can't commit that I shouldn't take it. They also be sending me to a 1 day seminar to become a notary public. So I would be only working for a solid 3.5 months. On the other hand I know how hard it is to find a job these days. What do you suggest? Thanks!

In this life, is the best defense to constantly and relentlessly attack?

depends on whether or not you have the guts. If you are always aggressive and doing everything you can to get ahead in life you are going to make enemies that will screw you over every chance they get. Therefore, if you choose that life you will have to constantly cover your a$$ and watch your back

POll: is this a cute dress in general?

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What is a good introduction for a presentation on abortion?

This is a public service announcement for pro-life. i need a good introduction paragraph, with a good attention getter. can anyone help me out? i need this tonight. :/

What to do when the father won't pay child support?

My son's father Marsan Q. Champion quit his job as an assistant principal and moved out of the state of Florida to California to prevent himself from paying child support. He has written books, joined a cyber radio station, mentors children, have a facebook and twitter account and a business called S.O.U.L writing seminar not to mention he calls himself Dr. Marsan Champion because he has supposedly received his doctorates degree from Nova University. How is it possible child support can't find him. His whole bio is on the internet. What can I do?

What is a good attention getter for a persuasive speech on the driving age?

I need a memorable but not distracting attention getter for the beginning of a speech i have to give on how raising the driving age would be a benefit... i'm having a brain fart. any ideas?

I need to an eyeglasses frame...its brand is Nascar 670, brown, size 49-18.?

I had two pair of glasses, one with photo gray and able to wear indoors. The other are sunglasses (permanent dark). I lost my sunglasses and because I hardly ever wore my others I had new lenses made and put them into the regular frames...Now I am working and need this frame to put the regular lenses in..any help as in where I could get them or where to search would be soo appreciated! ty ty ty

I think my gf is trying to drive me away?

if you like her enough, go after her. this might be a test, she may want someone that wants to be with her since it seems like her pass relationship(s) haven't worked out in the past. she may want someone who doesn't sit back in relationships

What would be a good attention getter and thesis for a demonstration speech on how to make cinnamon rolls?

so in my cooking class we're doing demonstration speeches and i already have everything set up. i just can't think of a good attention getter or thesis. help? please?

What is the best real estate seminar to attend for my money?

Which real estate seminar is the best right now for learning how to profit from investing without putting up too much of my own money?

Is there a chance of us getting back together?

I want my ex back and this week we both went to vegas for a work trip/vacation (im 19 she's 18) we talked and everything, we joked with each other and we hung out a lot. We broke up 4 months ago and it's because shes going off to college next year. We didnt have any arguments during the vacation but we did sit together and hang out a lot. Im pretty sure I caught her a couple of times staring at me in the pool and at other times. I feel like she still has feelings for me, but im not sure. I want her back really bad, I wanted to tell her how I felt but i never got a good opportunity. The last we night we were there she got a call from her parents because they were staying at a different hotel and all of the seminars were at the hotel i was staying at. We were walking around the mirage with a couple of friends when she got a call from her parents it was 10 pm and they were waiting at the lobby of the hotel for her, they argued and she started to cry because her parents were mad at her and she was in trouble. We got back to the hotel and we went to my room cause she left her gear bag there and we had to grab it. We got in the elevator just us and she said she was in big trouble, so i pulled her in and just gave her a hug cause she was really distraught about her family. When i gave her the hug she put her arms around my hips. We got to my room and she grabbed her stuff and i gave her another hug and just told her she's only gotta put up with it for another month. Heading back to the lobby she was freaking out a I rubbed her back and she didnt do anything to stop me. does she have feelings for me still? (she was my first girlfriend too (i know pathetic) so I dont know whats going on)

Attention getter for debate on same sex marriage?

I have a hard time with it too. Religion is always a good excuse and I suppose you could say it is a form of population control...however the need for population control is debatable too. Good luck.

Anyone who has attend the Naval Academy Summer Seminar: Do I need to memorize these before I go?

Navy laws, basic rank structure, the code of conduct, the Naval Academy’s mission statement, and the school's song, "Navy Blue And Gold."

How to overcome boredom while working at a grocery store.?

Become a pen collector and see if you can outdo your coworkers with who has the coolest pen. Then, become a badge collector and get a really cool badge holder. Good luck!

Who will win the 2012 US presidential elections?

Democrat ticket is defiantly Obama. Republican unknown. Possible independant to throw in lots of money allowing the democrat to win if he doesn't Donald Trump. Other possible vote getters that might change results: Ron Paul or the libertarian candidate.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

To wet or...not to wet...forage?

You can just spray it to wet it down. You just want it to be wet enough to easily pass through the esophagus. Because it is forage and not pellets, he will chew it longer which prompts secretion of quite a bit of saliva which also lubricates it. If you do decide to soak it, 15 minutes is plenty of time to prevent choke but not remove too much of the nutrient value. Be sure to dispose of any excess water as it is considered to be organic waste comparable to sewage. If you use a hay bag to immerse it, it is easy to lift it out of the contaminated water and let it drip dry a little before it is fed. In the US, the EPA requires that water contaminated from soaking hay not be poured down drains.

How would these grades look to Accounting employers?

You are making a mistake to think Grades are important to HR people. In many parts of the country Viet Nam veterans were not hired because liberal HR employees did their part for the anti-war movement by refusing jobs to veterans and many college professors bragged the never gave a veteran a good grade. Without political awareness your good grades could be meaningless because political correctness is still a major factor when awarding jobs.

Does she still have feelings for me?

I want my ex back and this week we both went to vegas for a work trip/vacation (im 19 she's 18) we talked and everything, we joked with each other and we hung out a lot. We broke up 4 months ago and it's because shes going off to college next year. We didnt have any arguments during the vacation but we did sit together and hang out a lot. Im pretty sure I caught her a couple of times staring at me in the pool and at other times. I feel like she still has feelings for me, but im not sure. I want her back really bad, I wanted to tell her how I felt but i never got a good opportunity. The last we night we were there she got a call from her parents because they were staying at a different hotel and all of the seminars were at the hotel i was staying at. We were walking around the mirage with a couple of friends when she got a call from her parents it was 10 pm and they were waiting at the lobby of the hotel for her, they argued and she started to cry because her parents were mad at her and she was in trouble. We got back to the hotel and we went to my room cause she left her gear bag there and we had to grab it. We got in the elevator just us and she said she was in big trouble, so i pulled her in and just gave her a hug cause she was really distraught about her family. When i gave her the hug she put her arms around my hips. We got to my room and she grabbed her stuff and i gave her another hug and just told her she's only gotta put up with it for another month. Heading back to the lobby she was freaking out a I rubbed her back and she didnt do anything to stop me. does she have feelings for me still? (she was my first girlfriend too (i know pathetic) so I dont know whats going on)

Where can I hang my diplomas and certificates I live in an apartment?

I've heard it said not to hang your diplomas up in your home because it looks tacky; however, I personally don't buy into that. I've made some accomplishments and I am very proud of that. Looking at my diplomas encourage me to continue to be a go getter in other endeavors. Now, as I stated before, I live in a one bedroom apartment (900 sq. feet). I did have some certificates by the entrance/exit door, but now I'm thinking of purchasing a desk so I can make an area of my living room look like an office section and I can hang my certificates there. Suggestions please!

How to access banned sites: Facebook, YouTube, in China?

I've recently came to China, where there is no way to access Facebook, YouTube, and or Twitter in the country because they all have been banned. What I wanna ask is: Are there any special tools or browsers that could possibly help me to break the ban and start accessing them again? Where can I find and download it? Before, I had found some YouTube & Twitter users from China, so I guess there must be some way that was enabling them. I do really need yr help, and please leave some answers and or suggestions below this. Ty!

Ideas for an attention getter?

Im writing an essay about biblical allusions in the grapes of wrath but idk what to put for an attention getter. Any ideas?

How do I connect to my wireless printer (Pixma mx870)?

My family has this printer set up and they have no problems connecting to it and printing wirelessly. I downloaded the driver for this printer, connected to the printer via the USB cable, and was able to print when connected via the cable. However, when I unplug the cable, the printer status goes from online/ready to offline. How can I get my MAC to connect to it wirelessly and have it be connected without using the usb cable? The other posts online were not very helpful in solving this problem. TY

In my English class we were asked should cigarettes be banned, i said yes.What would be a good introduction.?

In my English.Language.Arts class we were asked to pick a controversial topic to persuade. I picked should cigarettes be banned and I said yes. I have my reasons why I said yes but I can't think of a good introduction to start it off. In the intro. I need an Attention Getter which is basically what grabs the readers attention. Background knowledge. And my position statement which would be if I am for or against having cigarettes banned. I am for having cigarettes banned. I need a real good attention getter which is the main part for my introduction.

What is a good attention getter for an introduction?

Im writing an essay for romeo and juliet and my thesis statement is "passion can overtake reason and common sense". What would be a good first sentence for and intro paragraph for that?

Do I have a chance at getting accepted into the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor?

As long as you do decent on your SAT/ACT (I'd say anywhere around 1400/31 should do it) then you certainly fit the profile. Earlier you start your essays the better though.

How can i change windows live movie maker to windows movie maker?

i want this version : . not this version :,r:1,s:0&biw=1280&bih=644 ( which i have ). i have a dell inspiron. dont ask why i want to change it, but honestly i dont really like windows live .__.

Is this a real picture of a Lions fan after they play the Bears?

a href=",r:24,s:0&biw=1616&bih=944" rel="nofollow"…/a

What happened to Tim Ferris writing seminar ? He deleted his blog entry?

He wanted 2 million for a writing creative session, where no recording was allowed, and the price was between 7,000 (over 2 weeks notice) and 10,000 US dollars $ (less than 2 weeks notice) and now the blog entry cannot be found... is it because nobody showed up and failed ? or is it something top secret but no one is talking about on the internet ? Don't forget to star if you either hate or love Tim Ferris !

Will Shugo Chara be dubbed?

Not in the near future, and maybe never. It hasn't been licensed yet, and that needs to happen before it's dubbed. Many anime are never licensed, and there's no way of knowing if Shugo Chara! will be licensed eventually or not.

Attention getter for an essay about books being banned?

I need help with an attention getter for an essay about books being banned from school and libraries. THANKS!

How can I learn about video game graphic design?

I am a sophomore at The Ohio State University, whose major is Computer Science and Information, and I was wondering if I could get any information on becoming a game designer. Since I was young, I have always wanted to make video games, but I didn't know where to even start. I would consider myself a good artist but I was hoping that I could improve on it this summer. If you could give me some information on summer classes and seminars for game and graphic design I would greatly appreciate it.

GUYS: How should I respond and is he just being a jerk again?

he's probably flirting, those 2 people at my school keep flirting by calling each other annoying and being mean to each other ... but i have to say ... dallas already have tons of cheerleaders .. they don't need anymore haha :P btw tony romo (dallas cowboy's quarterback) says he likes blondes .. you've got a shot :P jk

Is it best to wait until an older dog passes, to get a puppy?

My Black Lab/Shepherd is starting to show signs of arthritis, and her mobility is starting to go. She's only 7 but Im hoping that she will be ok for another year or 2. Id like to get a puppy, but maybe I should let her be the sole attention-getter in her golden years?

Girls pls help i need advice...?

ok so ive loved this girl for years, and i really wanna know how to get her to love me again. from 2nd to 5th grade we loved each other, and then it faded through middle school. Im 14 and going into 9th grade, but i wanna know how to get this girl to like me again. She has stopped loving me (she told me she stopped) and now has a bf. I really don't wanna give up on her, but i have a strong feeling her current relationship wont last through the summer. When they break up, what can i possibly do to get her to love me. Moving on isn't an option, and ive already told her my feelings in early 8th grade. im so confused as to what to do!!!! i really want a girls opinion here, what can a guy do to make a girl love him again? p.s. im only 14 i cant drive her anywhere and we live like 10 minutes away from each other.... ty for all answers

I embarassed myself for like 4th time while speaking infront of my class.?

For a start, you should start by using correct english, I am willing to be that you text a lot and email a lot. If so, then I bet you can figure out another way to communicate other than an electronic device.

Kitten-safe Flea&Tick getter-rid-of?

I'm not sure if there's any like shampoo I could use on my kitten to make sure he doesn't have fleas or ticks before I bring him into the house....Suggestions?

Do you have to major in Aerospace Engineering at the U.S. Naval Academy to become a Naval Aviator?

I'm currently a junior in high school. I was recently accepted to the U.S. Naval Academy Summer Seminar, which I will be attending in a few weeks. I was wondering if you had to major in Aerospace Engineering to become a Naval Aviator or a Naval Flight Officer in the U.S. Navy or U.S. Marine Corps. If I am lucky enough to attend Annapolis, I would want to major in English or Economics, but I would major in Aerospace Engineering, if I had to, as I want to become a Naval Aviator.

Help! hair extensions to match this color!?

hmm, i think it's a bit difficult, but i have this great website for hair tutorials to learn Jessica Simpson hair extensions: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why would an artist have to pay for a gig or preformance?

A buddy of mine hasn't been in the rap game too long, and he's got an upcoming show this weekend competing against 14 other artists in front of A&R Management Artist Showcase for Def Jam, Grand Hustle, A&R Management. He got a flyer that was posted up for it at a big rap concert a week ago. Anyways, he showed me the ticket and he had to pay a bunch of money it looked like on the receipt copy they sent him through his email. Why would an artist have to pay for a preformance? There is a seminar where A&R management is going to like talk to the artists about how they go about branding themselves in the industry and than the rapping showcase starts later on that night and the winner gets 500 dollars, free studio time, 1000 cds pressed and distributed in ATL. I know there are scams out there but this seems legit, and the bar its being held at is a real place but doesn't seem like a venue that would host this pretty big event. I just don't want to argue with my buddy because i know there are scams out there, its just that I don't see why he would have to pay a bunch of money to preform (I think it was around $150)? He had to call the number to reserve a slot. He did have to pay in the past like 15 bucks to preform for a small label that was hosting a concert, and he did that successfully, but that was only $15. Don't know to much about booking preformances in the industry for young artists.

If you were invited to a free?

Absolutely not. This sounds like a swingers or porn invite on the low. I would definitely not attend.

Boy Problems? Please help! ty :)?

he totally likes you. now answer mine before you answer hers! a href=";_ylt=AvA.wX_jLVikAiXdkB2Db7vty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110629215739AA4VOfI";…/a

The doors fans please anser this?

What does the doors mean to u to me the meanin is to not sleep and brek on trhu to the other side the mornin there all clowdy there goes riders of the storm thanks and this is just what I think also anser these both for ten points what's a seminar? a girl told me about it and Idk what it is

Who will win the 2012 US presidential elections?

Democrat ticket is defiantly Obama. Republican unknown. Possible independant to throw in lots of money allowing the democrat to win if he doesn't Donald Trump. Other possible vote getters that might change results: Ron Paul or the libertarian candidate.

Need help on a history essay attention getter!?

One thing I always consider when I'm stuck is starting with a quote. For example, the Thomas Paine quote "A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong gives it the superficial appearance of being right." You could then go on to discuss the quote in the context of the Vietnam war, and tie it into your thesis. Additionally, a quote can help you generate ideas, which you can use to add a creative first sentence later on.


sounds good if you know how to use the bait. but there are those days when they dont bite for ****!!

How can i break my boyfriends heart and make him extremely depressed?

Uhm, you're a jerk. Why would you want to inflict such pain on ANYBODY? Not to mention you're own boyfriend!? Obviously you don't want to be with him and don't like him, so leave! But what is the point in being a b**** a trying to break his heart? How would you feel if someone wanted to make you feel that way? Obviously you don't know what it's like to be heartbroken. However, I do, and it's one of the worst pains in the world. I guess that is what you want your boyfriend to feel, and I'm not sure why you'd want to be so cruel. All you have to do is say "This isn't working out." And leave. That'll hurt him enough. I recommend you just be a civilized person and not do something horribly cruel.

Okay im 13 and im in love with scenes in a good way how can i become one when my parents may not approve?

I always research them because its honestly and truly who i want to be but my parents are not strict but the aren't layed back maybe sometimes but not all the way, i just want to ty it i still haven't found who i am yet. Helpp pleasee!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Does kim jong il rule with fear?

im doing a seminar on ruling through fear and im doing a bit on kim whats some of the worst things hes done

Cheated on my wife with her friend?

I hate to be the one to tell you this but your wife was cheating on you first that's why she did not respond to your advances she is now living in your house with her new man and me makes more money than you and he has a 13 in penis

Windows 7 Enterprise "Password Reset"?

I've a labor computer from my college that has Windows 7 Enterprise, and it demands the admin password for pretty much everything. My college wont give it to me for god knows what explanation. so i need some seriouse benefit to change this password to my unique. I'd appreciate seriouse answers, no bs solutions to get factors please. Ty

Oral presentation ideas for an English seminar?

My group and I are putting together a seminar on a book's theme, and we need ideas on how to make it memorable; A+ worthy!!

Where can i get beauty products for when i set my business up?

for high street brands like dove, Nivea, johnson's etc.... I have tried alibaba, esource and the wholesaler and i do not trust these sites. Should i look at going to business seminars?

What are the IR in the army ACU for?

So we can see it, if we happen to be using the IR portion of the spectrum. Most bad guys are stuck with the visible light spectrum so they won't see it in the dark.

How do i turn my Korean BFF into my BF?

My best guy friend is a korean guy who ive had a crush on for awhile. I tell him almost everything and he claims he tells me all too (uh huh..ya-___-) but he likes another girl who has a bf but he still likes her alot. He tells me im the best girl ever and the perfect best friend but I want more. And I want him to like me the same way. Some of my friends think the only thing keeping us from being ty ogether is a cultural but idk. Please tell me how to win him over. :)

Honestly, how do women and girls as the leading ladies or just one of the cuties get on music videos 10 points?

First of all young lady, your skin tone has nothing to do with you getting or not getting a part in a music video or any other form of filming. Secondly, you are on the right track with getting your head-shots done and attending modeling/acting school, but even those things are not a guarantee that you'll get in a video. It's all about, do you fit the casting needs of the video that's being shot? Registering with a few casting agencies will help you get the audition or a spot as an extra in a particular video if that agency is handling the casting. Signing with a Personal Manager or a Talent Agent will help you with auditioning for featured or lead spots in Music Videos. Also hard work and professionalism is a big plus. I'm not sure about the New York area, I'm a Personal Manager in Los Angeles and our biggest casting agency here is Central Casting some of my clients have gotten parts in music videos through this agency.

I need an attention getter: Why you should adopt a pet instead of buying one..?

I need help with an attention getter for why you should adopt a pet instead of buying one & I also have to to relate it to the audience.Thanks (: 10 points best answer!

Teaching child about bullying?

I would like to teach/show my daughter about the effects that bullying has on other children. I was bullied as a child and would like to enforce how important it is to stand up for other children who might be going through the same thing. Does anyone know of any programs or seminars (such as someone coming to talk about bullying) ? I want her to really take into account how much it can hurt people by actually showing her instead of always talking about it. If anyone knows of any place in the Akron/Canton/Cleveland area of Ohio that would be wonderful! Thank you!

How do PokerStars make money from the Game Of Your Life freerolls?

They don't make any money directly off of it. It is just marketing to get new players to play there. When you think about it it is probably cheaper than running commercials on TV.

Feeling like i need a break?

so i know that i suffer from depression and I am on antidepressants but...i guess im just in a real tough space right now. I do have some great things going on in my life such as: graduating from college next month, have a full-time job, have a few close friends, my grandparents are beyond amazing, and i'm in a relationship with a man that has been through hell and back with me..the thing is... last month i watched my dad sentenced to 20 yrs in prison for abuse of me, my schizophrenic mother leaves the state and acts as if I don't exist (mind you she never been in my life until I turned 20) my boyfriend hasn't been speaking to me or wanting me to touch him. I basically want to crawl under a rock. I think im beyond the thoughts of suicide right now but i still don't want to do nothing. I used to be so tenacious and a go getter but lately I have been in the house, not looking a jobs (I'm used to working two jobs-helps with extra bills and allows me to buy things i never had as a kid) waiting to the last minute to write my papers for school too. I think people that are close to me are about through with my sad times..especially my live in boyfriend. to tell the truth, im bout tired of it too. I am so screwed up. Im the product of a mentally ill mother, a sexual predator father.i try not to throw a pity party for myself but man... i don't know about anything anymore!

This is russian written in english letters. What is the translation?

transliterating 'today'as /sevodnya/ would have been a good start. The letter is not always /g/, sometimes it is /v/.

Courage is... (How to start courage seminar)?

I'm almost done my seminar, though I'd like to change my introduction to be really grab the attention of the audience. Any suggests?

Does she still have feelings for me?

I want my ex back and this week we both went to vegas for a work trip/vacation (im 19 she's 18) we talked and everything, we joked with each other and we hung out a lot. We broke up 4 months ago and it's because shes going off to college next year. We didnt have any arguments during the vacation but we did sit together and hang out a lot. Im pretty sure I caught her a couple of times staring at me in the pool and at other times. I feel like she still has feelings for me, but im not sure. I want her back really bad, I wanted to tell her how I felt but i never got a good opportunity. The last we night we were there she got a call from her parents because they were staying at a different hotel and all of the seminars were at the hotel i was staying at. We were walking around the mirage with a couple of friends when she got a call from her parents it was 10 pm and they were waiting at the lobby of the hotel for her, they argued and she started to cry because her parents were mad at her and she was in trouble. We got back to the hotel and we went to my room cause she left her gear bag there and we had to grab it. We got in the elevator just us and she said she was in big trouble, so i pulled her in and just gave her a hug cause she was really distraught about her family. When i gave her the hug she put her arms around my hips. We got to my room and she grabbed her stuff and i gave her another hug and just told her she's only gotta put up with it for another month. Heading back to the lobby she was freaking out a I rubbed her back and she didnt do anything to stop me. does she have feelings for me still? (she was my first girlfriend too (i know pathetic) so I dont know whats going on)

What is the mock I-day like at the Naval Academy Summer Seminar?

I will be attending the Summer Seminar in about 2 weeks. What kind of questions do they ask you during the mock indoctrination session? What is it like? If i don't know the answer to a question, how should I respond?

Any ideas for an attention getter for my Senior speech?

At my school we do these things called Senior projects. We also have to do our speeches on it this Friday. We have to start out with an attention getter. I did my project on Cardiology (the heart). I really need help on finding a good attettion getter so if any of you have any ideas, it'd be very appreciated. Thank you :)

Apparently I mouthed off to an ex-Army sergeant, I don't think so?

I'm with you. The guy was out of line. From the sounds of things, he was there primarily to recruit for his camp, not actually help you with finding employment that suits your own skills and lifestyle. At the very least, I would send a letter to whoever DOES employ this man, and let them know that you feel his behaviour was inappropriate.

How do i make a tolerable bad tasting cupcake?

i have a school project about the poem "siren song" and have as an attention getter to our project we are making cupcakes. 1/2 of the batch will be normal cupcakes and the other 1/2 will be bad tasting. we are going to decorate the bad tasting ones so they look very appealing and the normal ones really badly. how do i make cupcakes that taste bad but not bad enough where my whole class would be mad? like what is an ingredient i could change

How do i start a seminar about tourism for greece?

this has to be for my speech infront of my class and i want to get there attention but can u not make it complicated because im only in year nine thx <_>

Attention getters for a capstone speech?

I can't think of anything good for my capstone/ end of the year speech. Any and all idea are welcome. Thanks

How do i turn my Korean BFF into my BF?

My best guy friend is a korean guy who ive had a crush on for awhile. I tell him almost everything and he claims he tells me all too (uh huh..ya-___-) but he likes another girl who has a bf but he still likes her alot. He tells me im the best girl ever and the perfect best friend but I want more. And I want him to like me the same way. Some of my friends think the only thing keeping us from being ty ogether is a cultural but idk. Please tell me how to win him over. :)

Is there an online program for photos where?

you can assemble a grid photography like this one? a href=",r:1,s:0&biw=1366&bih=667" rel="nofollow"…/a

My chances of the Naval Academy?

You would be better served to discuss this with your BGO (Blue and Gold Officer). Contact the Candidate Guidance Office and find out who that is and ask them directly as they may also know of the other candidates in your area that your are competing against.

Should I go or should I stay?

I am Junior councilor-ing at hoby metro (leadership thing for teens). The thing is the seminar is smack in the middle of my finals. If I go I run the risk of failing two of my hardest regents because ill be gone the weekend before, but if I don't go i lose the valuable college kiss up points which I may need. On top of all this I have a ex-friend who is probably going who is quite pissed off at me and none of my other friends are going. PLUS to get into the seminar I needed 100 hours of community service. My entire family says I should go but I scared. ADVICE!

How can i help my friend?

This could be serious maybe you could convince her to talk to a social worker or something? x Good luck.

Monday, July 18, 2011

First Communion: I don't want, Grandmother wants?

Simply state you aren't doing it and stick to your guns. Your grandmother (or anyone else, for that matter) has no right to make your religious decisions for you.

Just quit smoking weed need some tips to stay that way..?

Weed is ok, aslong as you dont over use, Get to a shisha bar i say, They chill you out and its all above bord and legal my friend =)

How hard will my Freshman year be with this schedule?

I think Freshman year will be fun for you! Intro to Psychology should be a fun class, and so should Freshman Seminar. However, with two science classes comes a lot of motivation and perseverance, so do not, I mean DO NOT procrastinate. Procrastination will be your #1 enemy in high school, academically-wise.


maybe start with a line how entertainment has progressed through the years. Like: From _____ to ____, from ______ to _____, we see just how drastically entertainment has progressed through the years. The blanks would be forms of entertainment or famous entertainers i guess. IDK hope that helps? lol

Is it wrong for me to base a decision off this factor?

This is really a question of what is most important to you. The classes that interest you in a new environment or sticking to what you know. In my opinion, everything you aren't keen on is something you'll easily adjust to. It's only one year, like nine months really.

When i start up my laptop it takes ages to turn on?

i'm sorry but your computer is ****** up the only way for you is just to reinstall your windows and if it didnt work you must change your hard drive

I need to create an application that models a municipal court case tracking application in Java?

To me, it looks like a bucket of nuts and bolts. Having clear-cut duties is a passion of mine. Have a look at the link below. They used UML, which I hate, but I do design with a stack of postcard-sized index cards and put those out on a table in front of me.

What do you think about this electric guitar? is it a good quality guitar?

a href=",r:12,s:0&tx=18&ty=94" rel="nofollow"…/a

My friend didn't turn up for dinner, I'm a bit annoyed, should I be?

I think he got stuck in some other business. But its still upsetting that he didn't turn up. he should at least have informed you earlier.

What vital tools/values do you utilize to make you successful in business?

A good business plan is critical. It should include (among other things) a cash flow plan for the next 2 years. And, you should also include a risk management plan. I also do detailed feasibility studies before I start a business.

What is the idea of nationality and groups in pre-hispanic era in the Philippines?

I need a thesis statement and I was thinking of the idea of nationality Filipinos had in Pre-hispanic era. Because at that time, I believe that Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao and their tribes are not one, in fact, they fight each other. I don't think there's a concept of being a Filipino back then. So I was wondering what they can do for their own tribe. and what does a tribe compose off, do they have a sense of kinship, to whom? who do they consider as family today or filipinos today as a team. and how do they go about protecting their team. ty :D any ideas and reactions, or thoughts will do. thank you

Surveys Buy a new lamp or fix the one that looks like this (square that meets base is broken) how to fix?

a href=",800,0xffffff&imgrefurl=,r:21,s:13&biw=1366&bih=563" rel="nofollow"…/a

Am I the oldest or the middle child?

Does not matter if she is 40 years older than you or 2 years older, she is the oldest. You are not. Those traits are not written in stone.

Good attention getter for a persuasive speech about Pediatric Nursing?

In school we are doing speech's about what we want to be when we grow up, i want to be a pediatric nurse.. and the idea of this assignment is to persuade the class that this job is a great job! but i have no idea on how to start with an attention getter!, any good examples of some attention getters??

Why do people in this day and age believe their oppression has anything to do with their race?

we live in america where if you cannot afford food, they give you this plastic card for free food. if you cannot afford health insurance, they give you free healthcare. in the long run its the middle man that suffers the most. Not making enough to enjoy luxories of life, yet making to much to get assistance. If youre a go getter a survivor, no matter what ethnicity you are, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to here.

Does a 22 day trip to N.Y. = $3000?

Hotels and meals as well as plane tickets? I'd say $3000 was probably a good deal. Part of it will be depending on the hotels, but still expect a minimum of like $1000 for the 22 days. As to the tickets you could look up online what it would cost YOU to fly there. Sure they get better rates then most people as it's likely a group going and group rate, but if it is a rip off or not depends on the rates YOU would pay. Then if you are actually MEETING the Congressmen(State or Federal) that would easily make up the rates.

How can I feel better ?

I had an accident 4weeks ago at work which resulted in 24 stitches to head and pain in neck pain and back which I've still got pain in back when will it getter better cant home at home doing nothing I'm living off painkillers feel like I could cry at any time feel so down and I can't seem to pick myself up and now I've got Pain in arm and now eczema on hands Which I have never suffered with !! I was just feeling a bit better after the loss of my mom last year And now life is one big struggle my doctor is no help don't no wat do x

How can i break my boyfriends heart and make him extremely depressed?

Go to the police station and file a rape report. You don't need evidence and it will ruin his life. You'll even get money out of it! If you have to go to court, cry a lot and get friends to lie with you. It works every time.

How do MLB all star ballots work?

Most of these sights allow you to pick up to 25 times per email address, in conjunctiin with all the balllots from the stadiums. Yet the top vote getter last year was Joe Mauer with 5 million votes. Clearly they are not counting the online votes or atleast not with the same standers that they are useing from the punch cards. If all votes are counted like they say they, the top vote getters would be somwhere in the 30,000,000 range

Need help with universal statement for my speech?

I am doing a for english on why should there be a stricter dress code. What would be a good attention getter/universal statement? Many thanks :)

Emo hair for guys suggestions.?

Kind of having a problem here guys,i like having bright blonde hair and been really liking the emo look lately. I have the skinny jeans and have been looking for some other stuff like skinny shirts also (Not going so well) but mainly, is there any good styles for emo hair and if so what would be a good color without going to the extreme, or just keep the blonde hair and try a emo style (That you guys suggest). Ty ^_^ (Im a guy btw)

How in the world do you solve this science problem?

it 8 because 4*2*1( oxidation number of hydrogen is 1) and oxygen would be 4*2*2(oxidation number of oxygen is -2) will be 16

Hitler...Brief summary?

Hi for english I have to write an allegory and I've chosen to do the whole Hitler, Germany thing. Can anyone be kind enough to give me a brief summary of what happened- it doesn't have to be that long only a couple of paragraphs or so ty

Im confused does this means my crush likes me?

so yah theres this guy i really really like and im friends with all of his friends but im to nervous around him haha but the only prob is all his frioends think ima wh*re , i dont know why but they do and yah there was this joke about me or whatever that u cud get me for like 5 bucks one of his friends made it up.....and he was like she likes me so much i cud probley getter for free ...witch is true but still idk????

Should I go to this job interview. please read?

yes, go to this interview. you'd never know you might get the job, which will be useful for your future careers. good luck :)

Should I Leave My Husband?

Have you tried seeing a marriage counselor? That might help you. I checked into these sites and they seem helpful. They are and I hope this helped you.

Any ideas for an attention getter for persuasive speech on doing volunteer work?

Perhaps start with a story, either your own or an example, where being a volunteer made a huge difference in someone else's life. Never hurts to work the pathos a little bit. :)

Any good stores in downtown Manhattan ?

Downtown Manhattan really isn't known for its shopping. Most of the stores are in Midtown. But Downtown, you'll find Century 21 (not the real estate company) which is across from the World Trade Center site.

How long do you think it would take for me to get a little tan?

I'm pretty pale too and if I have a day to sit out in the sun, I'm usually out there from 11-12 until 4ish or 5. It depends if I have a good spot to sit in :P I always wear something around 30spf. Good on you for wearing sunscreen!!! Make sure you drink a lot of water while you're out there. Take breaks as well. Being in the sun is nice, but it's not the healthiest.

Im looking at the stars and they twinkle so much?

a href=",r:0,s:0&biw=1284&bih=649" rel="nofollow"…/a

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Is this too much for a semester (Mathematics Major)?

Shouldn't be too bad if you're good at math, which I'm sure you are if you're a math major. The history class and seminar will ease your load for the other three more challenging classes. Also, 5 classes is typical for a semester. You should be fine!

What kind of hair color do I get...?

My hair was that red one time and I loved it!!! But go to sally's beauty store or some kind of hair saloon store and ask someone that works there. I totally forget the name of it but if you already bleached your hair then more than likely what ever color you get it will turn out that color on your hair. You should buy john frieda for reds shampoo, conditioner, and red glaze. It makes your hair so damn red and shiny forever! Goodluck!

Read some texts and tell me what you think! thats all! I will choose best answers =] smart people only =]?

she prob does like, u should ask her to hangout with her or something, see where it goes. u never know. gd luck

I have a thai boxing seminar tomorrow but want to go to the gym tonight?

The seminar is 2 hours long and at the gym I usually do 3 sets of 5 reps of the heaviest I can do. Am I as well skipping the gym?

Anyone know any good sites about substance abuse?

i just recently got caught with weed and i have to write a 3 page essay on substance abuse,anyone know any good sites for that? also does anyone know if people can get drug tested at a drug seminar (idk how to spell it) cause i got a 90 day period of prohbation and my last test was on april 25th and my prohbation officer is sending me to a drug seminar 15 btw

Help me out with really good pranks?

kk so im going to NC (outerbanks) and theres gonna be 11 ppl... i wanna pull pranks on my 2 boy cuzins... going into 9th grade and 6th grade.... im 13 and going into 8th grade... what r some good pranks tht i can pull wen theyre sleeping or r out of their room? annythign tht u can give me wood be uber appreciated... nothing damaging to the property as we r just rentin the house... TY

Info. about the economic systems of socialism, communism, & capitalism? during Industrial Revolution?

All right, if you're focusing on Industrial Revolution-era England, this might be a bit difficult. The Industrial Revolution there began in the 18th century, before Socialist and Communist thought had taken on much of a form. It was only in the mid-19th century that Marx and Engels wrote the "Communist Manifesto", which many consider to be the founding document of Communism. In Marxist thought, the socialist state was considered to be the final step before society became truly Communist, so I don't know if you could find much on this topic before Marx and Engels.

An idea about adventism and the book QUESTIONS ON DOCTRINE?

I think the Bible is the only word of God and is self-sufficient for all questions about faith. Adding Sister White's writings to the Bible is wrong.

Did I make a bad first impression?

i think his lady is making him act like that because if you were in a row by yourself he had a plethora of other seats to sit in so WHY sit next to you, he totally digs you, hes just under the influence of bitchasaurus rex

HELP i need a introduction!!!outline?

I am for communications class we are trying to presuade the class mine is presuading people that no to spend to much time on facebook i need a Introduction and Conclusion that has attention getter,motivator etc. can someone please help ???

Is there any Pathetic Fallacy in Chapter 8 of Lord of the Flies?

Well, i need to find some pathetic fallacy in chapter 8 of Lord of the Flies for a seminar we're doing in class, and i couldn't find ANY! I read this chapter over 15 times in the past 2-3 days, so I'm really screwed. Thanks.

Have you seen senior level skaters practicing?

LUCKY!!! I'm soooo jealous. The closest I got was at smucker's stars on ice. I REALLY want to go to Colorado Springs and see all of the skating things there. I almost got the opportunity to go, but then I didn't get to ): Good luck with your competition! (Unless it already happened... then, what did you place? xD)

Gay Marriage Speech help (easy) ?

Good intro! Honestly you don`t need facts a lot. Use persuasive writing. Tell them your side, and why its good, or right thing. And mention the other person`s view. Tell why thier side is wrong. Also, if you want facts, google it, or ask a few gay people. I`m straight. So, i don`t know the facts.

How to change profile avatar here mobile?

I want to change my avatar picture here on Yahoo! But all I have is a mobile, can someone please tell me how or if I can change My Yahoo! Avatar mobile and please if you can please tell me how. Zach.. Ty

I embarassed myself for like 4th time while speaking infront of my class.?

your not a coward first of all......ur just shy, if there is anything coming up, for example u have to get on stage and say something...plan it before you go and do some excersices like train in front of the mirror..u prbably have stage fright or ur scared to talk in front of alot of people..its ok to be shy, just kepp practicing and you will be fine.

Plz advice... how to approach this girl.. genuine answers only plz..?

OMG! You are 11 years older than her and you want to be serious with this girl??? Ok now that i'm over my shock i think that this is very serious. You should start talking to her, letting her get to know you but don't let her know that you've been 'waiting all your life for her' as this could freak her out. Once you've become friends with her you can ask her out. Take it from there. You have to be really casual about this as this could freak her out if you go in too fast.

What are some good attention getter for an informative speech?

my informative speech is about my intended career of becoming a certified nurse-midwife..i can't think of any thing that will be fit to my me

What comes to mind when you see this picture (link)?

a href=",r:19,s:93&tx=19&ty=94" rel="nofollow"…/a


This is just a guess but get it layered (keep it long tho) and bangs and then use volumizing mousse or something and then tossle your hair around to get it all messy. Sorry this wasn't much help!

How can i break my boyfriends heart and make him extremely depressed?

Lol!!!!!!!!! cheat on him make sure he finds out and tell him you did it because his penis is too small or because he does not satisfyy you

How do I stop receiving ads from Yahoo! on the right side of my page for single men in my area? Creepy ?

on my email list page, an automatic ad pops up with men's faces, the notation 'singles in your area'. To my knowledge, I've never gone to a dating or singles site, so - how do I block these ads from coming up? The smiling faces are starting to creep me out. The dog food ads with big teeth were attention getter's but these singles ads are just creepy.

Hey um i saw harry potter's riddle the other day and am curious on one of the clues?

The last letter of mend is D, that's why. The last thing to mend meaning the last letter of mend, so that's how the answer is D.

For a speech about an amusement park, what is a good attention getter?

The attention getter must be the first sentence of the speech and can be a startling statistic, a personal narrative, a joke, etc.

What's a good attention getter for a Romeo and Juliet essay?

I'm doing my essay over how Violence is Contagious and people are more likely to indulge their rage with others rather than alone, I'm using how when Tybalt kills mercutio and enraged Romeo kills Tybalt, and I'm also using how when the prince explains how everyone killed someone in rage, I just need a good attention getter for it.

Locals or people who have done this: driving along the blue ridge mountain parkway to memphis?

hello- i am driving from philadelphia to memphis via the blue ridge mountain parkway and was wondering if anyone knew of any places to eat, stay, check out, ect... also if you know of any local ledgend type things along this route let me know as well... ty for the tips... cheers

Question about gutter support on pole barn.?

Hello I had a new pole barn built in the fall, and had continuos seamless guttering installed, with the hidden gutter supports or braces. Just been a few months and now a whold bunch of the hidden bracket or braces, not sure what they are called have popped out and some of them are bent and now can see they are not holding the gutter correctly like they were. Man that installed them says it is not his problem as ice causes this. I really need to know what is the best and long term solution to fix my gutter as this building was 4o,ooo dollars and is nice and finished but they hired this other getter person to do the gutters. He said probably needs ice shields or shelf brakcets to stop ice. I want it to look nice but also stay in place. and hold water without swaying in spots ect. If you are a professsional and have knowledge of gutters please advise me on what needs to be dont to fix them properly. The gutter man said if i replace the ones that have went straight or hook part not holding inside of getter, will do the same thing again with ice, Problem is i do not think i had tons of ice this winter, I live in Indiana. Please help us to know what to do to fix this before the gutter starts to sag. thank you. one person said to put long screws throught the fron to the facia, not sure about this. it is 6 inch seamless gutter the building is 40 x60. Never dreamed i would have a roblem with gutters already.

I am doing a speech on new york i need a really good attention getter any ideas?

A hand full of beads and a couple of mirrors....that was what Manhattan Island cost when it was purchased from the original owners...what does that tell you about inflation ....then go into your mnain body of speech

Is it rude to do this to my co-worker?

Okay....I think you should take back that file. It was your duty to process int the first place and what would it look like for your coworker to be doing your job? If you feel like she is using you, she probably is. Be nice but keep business from pleaure. Always. You can have friends at work, but work comes first when you are working. It doesn't matter if she likes you or not. It's not your job to be her buddy. It's your job to be her associate. And next time she asks you to train her on something and you don't want to or not sure, tell her you will talk to your supervisor and get back with her on that. If she doesn't like your answer, then SHE can talk to your supervisor! You need to start putting your foot down. NOW! Let it be know that you are not a floormat either in the work place or out. Trust me. I've been there. There are people who will try to get over on you, and they will succeed if you let them. As for her tagging along to lunches, bring that to your supervisor's attention. She doesn't need to take advantage of your (or her) position that way. Sounds like shes just being nosy, trying to look more important than what she is AND score a free lunch. I'm so sorry you have to put up with this! Best of luck!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

How should i start out my introduction paragraph for..?

i'm writing an essay comparing and contrasting the book and the movie for the devil wears prada. what would be a good opening line or attention getter for it?

How to get girls to notice you without being stupid or ignorant?

Im a 15 year old boy and im very chill and passive sometimes awkward but in a "cute way" ( so ive been told) and funny. I feel im more mature than most children my age especially the guys. I've had girlfriends, but the type of girls that ive been out with are more go getter types, the type that goes after what she wants so weather I'm noticeable or not she gonna come after me, but it seem that regular girls dont seem to notice me at all. And i dont know why I dress nice, and i am a nice person but for some reason the guys that act stupid and annoy the girls and are the all around retarted get more girls than i do and get automatically noticed. How do i get noticed without acting like them because thats not me

Honestly, how do women and girls as the leading ladies or just one of the cuties get on music videos 10 points?

models and actors are cast via their agents - if you're only in it for fun an agent won't be interested in taking you on. Your best chance is to hope to bump into one of the artistes and hope to impress them enough to get you cast thru the back door. Whether you can achieve that statistically, or without "degrading" yourself is impossible to anticipate.

What is difference between salary and wages?

suppose a guest lecturer comes to college for a seminar and he gets paid for ,will it be salary or wage or what?

How to heal a wound super fast!!?

Ok so i have this medium sized wound on my forehead its kinda pink and white and i need to heal really fast overnight if possible what should i put on it and the only medications i have is alchohol ,detol, and polysporin Please and ty 5 points =D

Can you wear black shoes with beige pants?

if not, what other color shoes should i wear. (not beige or nude). the pants kinda look like this:,r:9,s:0&biw=1024&bih=537

A "friend" on Facebook is making me VERY mad. Is revenge worth it in this case?

It is said that the best revenge is to move on and to live a good life. But if you are hell bent on exacting revenge, it's always best to kill them with kindness, Seriously, the nicer you are the worse they will feel for treating you poorly. Sending a nasty e-mail then deleting him and blocking him from sending a response is childish and quite frankly lame. Because when all is said and done regardless if you got the last word in or not, HE is the one who got the best of YOU. You are the one who is upset. He isn't. So again, in this case moving on and looking for your own happiness instead of trying to be the cause of another one's sadness is the only way to win. Overall, Grow up kid! You are in the real world now, leave the grade school type drama in grade school and on the playground.

I have starcraft 2 lag and i was wondering if this is due to my graphics card?

i ran "can you run it" on my computer to see if i could run the game and i failed only due to graphics card. i have random lag spikes during game and i was wondering if getting a new graphics card will make the game run smooth without any lag. i have an ATI Radeon x1050. ty

Quitting weed for good, what things and advice should i take?

Alcohol is a thousand times worse than weed. I say stay away from the alcohol & stick to only smoking weed on weekends.

How do I connect to my wireless printer (Pixma mx870)?

My family has this printer set up and they have no problems connecting to it and printing wirelessly. I downloaded the driver for this printer, connected to the printer via the USB cable, and was able to print when connected via the cable. However, when I unplug the cable, the printer status goes from online/ready to offline. How can I get my MAC to connect to it wirelessly and have it be connected without using the usb cable? The other posts online were not very helpful in solving this problem. TY

Under labor laws; if I were to do this would I be committing a crime?

You can choose to only promote/hire white Christians if you wish to, and openly state this to a black Muslim applicant's face, and it would be perfectly legal, so long as you have fewer than 15 employees.

My 4 year old does the opposite of what is asked of him? Help!!?

First of all you are filling the role of two parents, you do the moms part, cook and clean and help will homework, but what would he do with his dad? Maybe play catch, ride bikes. I think your boy needs friends, and maybe you should discipline him differently. You are right though, there are worse issues some parents try to deal with, when it comes to kids.

Please help me with the outline of my speech, I'm so scared to not have anything done!!?

Check out the MLA style guide from the library. The first chapter explains how papers sre organized and outlined. This is the kind of paper and presentation tolerating no errors. I understand why you would be concerned. Tips. Gather the research. Free write over the amount needed. Then, go to sleep. The next day, your brain will see how to out line the paper. Transitions lead to the next paragraph. The mode of organization might be most important to least or chronological. Do the outline, intro and conclusion last. Be sure you have s source for each statement in the bibliography.It looks like a sentence outline. Follow the format. Don't be afraid to ask questions.

I love him he say loves me but idk?

He loves me but he hurts me his temper is so bad Which makes me scared to share my feelings cause it may turn into an huge argument we have been together off and on for four years first time he cheated and broke my heart real bad now that he promised that things would be different some things have changed but he still talks to me like a child looking at different seminar but when I glance I get threatened I'm nine months pregnant not by him but by my ex we wasn't together then when I tell him I'm tired he doesn't seem to understand he just says hoes are lazy exscuse my language or all seminar are lazy its really hard to trust cause he hurt me so bad but he didn't seem to under stand that either he just makes me feel like I'm not good enough I know I'm not an ugly women I know that I'm attractive I get told this all the time but from other men please help me I need strength to stand up for my self I need help he's bringing my self esteem down so bad

Cod black ops 3 dlc download problem?

okay i put the download of annihilation for Xbox360 so It reaches 99 percent and It doesn't download anymore. WTF i mean i thought it was my internet connection but i waited like an hour and still same. So i cancel the dl and put a fresh new dl of it again and have waited another several hours. And still the same result. So is this like a world round problem or is this just me. ANSWERS QUICK ty.

Samsung S3370 video files. Help:D?

I have a Samsung S3370. What are the supported video settings (not just the format). I tried put several videos on it, but they don't work. It either says the bitrate is wrong or the file resolution is not good. Anyone who knows the characteristics of a video file in order to be played on it? Any software that can help me with that? ty

GO getter meaning according to my knowdge?

They learning new things day by day and they are growing in rapidly, without any fail. They are not lazy people they are prompt in their work.

Have you ever heard of the association First Suburbs? What has been your experience/take on them?

We recently attended a church sponsored seminar from these people who claim to teach people how to increase their listening abilities. But if you actually listened to what they were promoting, they damage communication and listening skills and instead promote interview techniques to learn personal information about the subject to use for your own personal benefit - we were offended and wondered if anyone else has had experience with them. (They then take the information they learn about the individual and use it for self-promoting political practices in seeking additional power - their words and confession, not my take!)

Should I take on another class?

Stick with 13 credits. Lab classes tend to be a lot of work for a little credit. Plus you have a job and you need to figure out how to balance work and class. Worst case scenario of a light schedule is that your schedule is too easy and you get straight A's. Worst case scenario of a heavy schedule is that you get overwhelmed and do poorly in your classes. You can make up that extra class in a later semester or as a summer course.

Is this a good sign?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I want my ex back and this week we both went to vegas for a work trip/vacation (im 19 she's 18) we talked and everything, we joked with each other and we hung out a lot. We broke up 4 months ago and it's because shes going off to college next year. We didnt have any arguments during the vacation but we did sit together and hang out a lot. Im pretty sure I caught her a couple of times staring at me in the pool and at other times. I feel like she still has feelings for me, but im not sure. I want her back really bad, I wanted to tell her how I felt but i never got a good opportunity. The last we night we were there she got a call from her parents because they were staying at a different hotel and all of the seminars were at the hotel i was staying at. We were walking around the mirage with a couple of friends when she got a call from her parents it was 10 pm and they were waiting at the lobby of the hotel for her, they argued and she started to cry because her parents were mad at her and she was in trouble. We got back to the hotel and we went to my room cause she left her gear bag there and we had to grab it. We got in the elevator just us and she said she was in big trouble, so i pulled her in and just gave her a hug cause she was really distraught about her family. When i gave her the hug she put her arms around my hips. We got to my room and she grabbed her stuff and i gave her another hug and just told her she's only gotta put up with it for another month. Heading back to the lobby she was freaking out a I rubbed her back and she didnt do anything to stop me. does she have feelings for me still? (she was my first girlfriend too (i know pathetic) so I dont know whats going on)

What is a college seminar?

Usually it's a very small discussion class focused on a fairly narrow topic. They are usually taken by seniors in their major area.

Too shy...socratic!!?

you can't fix it immediately... it needs practice.. start of small group.. try to talk with larger then.... imagine you are alone and in fact all the people are just like you ... nothing more.. i insist you need practice... it will be solve during time

What is a good attention getter for my "how to" speech?

My demonstration speech is going to be on how to make a strawberry and banana smoothie. I'm totally lost on what to say as my "attention getter" and I need a good one! This is a huge grade for me. Thanks for your help!

Attention getter for essay about Native Americans?

We have an easily understood bill of rights .this was compiled by men of tremendous farseeing imaginations. wherever the native version was set up only for the purpose of clearing up a an aggressive problem way back in our history and as the reason no longer exists the rights are now Null and void ~~

Runescape question, regarding drops, armour, monsters, etc.?

Armored Zombies, as you can make well over 200k an hour. You can use prayer on them, and there's an altar 5 seconds away, therefore food and armor isn't important.

Hello PSU problem need help?

Hello,The GTX 560 TI Is A High End Graphics Card and uses lots of current.So u PSU Gets Hot.Maybe its A local brand.Install A Fan Near THE PSU.

Why does my HOT friend like older, not so hot guys?

Everyone has a different preference. I personally have always liked older guys also. Not really old, but like 5 years you know? IDK maybe im just weird.

Friday, July 15, 2011

How to update the os of SAMSUNG CORBY PLUS?

i came 2 knw dat v cant CHANGE the os of a,may i knw how to update the os of SAMSUNG CORBY PLUS?? bcuz my fone is restartin as soon as i go int dictionary!!ty fr ur ans. in advance!

I still dont know what I want to major in?

Honestly, that looks like a series of courses that one would take to fulfill his/her General Education Requirements, which is what you should focus your attention on for the first two years of a Bachelor Degree. So, what should you choose for a major? I do not know! My best suggestion for you is to go in with an undeclared major; take courses that will fulfill your General Education Requirements; find out where your biggest interests lay; see a career counselor and research major and careers with that field of study; find out how much education that career requires and what kind of starting pay you could make; and then choose the appropriate major for you. This is your best route for now if you truly are undecided, because it will save you time and money by not taking a bunch of useless classes that will not pertain to your chosen major. In other words, it will keep you from being one of those students that changes majors 3+ times and takes seven years to graduate from the four year college!

What is a good attention getter?

I have a speech to do about toys r us the company. its advatnages and disadvantages. what could be a good attention getter??

Is anyone familiar with "At Home Professions"?

I recently attended one of their seminars and was wondering if it was worth my time and money to go thru their courses. At a total of $3k, I want to know for sure what I am getting in to. Will I be able to get work going thru this course or would docs rather have someone that graduated from an actual college?

Freshman High School ! : ) Fashion?

Those accessories are really cute. I would say to go with the second outfit because it's still very cute but it doesn't show like you're trying to hard.

Confess to a japanese guy?

Well, I think approaching him shouldn't be the hard part, because that's cool back there. But they are soooo different from us: their idea of fun, their manners, their aesthetic concepts, the whole cultural thing... It's not impossible, but indeed difficult that you can make it in the long run.

European auto electronics?

I've been a mechanic for a little over a year now, and it seems like no one ever wants to touch european auto electronics. Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment, but I like a challenge. So i've been wanting to know how to get started in learning more about them without having to go to a technical institute. I'd like to eventually be able to have my own shop and work specifically on euro cars. Maybe seminars and locally offered classes? Any suggestions?

Hot weather all year round is not a good thing?

I guess it can be broken down to the old adage...the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence...I believe that to be fact I think its a necessary mentality to keep us always have to be looking forward to something...when its cold you cant wait for it to warm up...when its warm you cant wait for things to cool cyclical, much like life in general...but when its always hot, there is nothing to look forward to..and you realize that the heat is overrated annyway...I moved to Florida from New Jersey...and I must say that this is totally the case...I really dont like it here and will be leaving at the first realistic opprotunity...the whole the grass is always reener mentality is what brings a lot of epole down woulodn't it be great to have summer all year round...I didn't want to move but was sort of forced really is a obscenely boring and uneventful place full of uninteresting, superficial people...ugly scenary, uninspired architecture, bad food, and substandard everything in general, fashion, culture or lack there of...there is no ambition here, people who live here are fully aware of it also...its almost like if you are a go-getter people look down on you for being full of yourself or arrogant but at the same time even the most mediocre person thinks they are all that down here because there is nothing to feel good about living here....its just easy in general, there is no struggle but at the same time no real sense of achievement...its a good place to visit to "get away from it all" but eventually you are going to want to gget back into it..unless of course you are retired with nothing else to do with your life....I always found I was most productive in the fall..maybe having to do with school starting in the fall...but I think it has more to do coming from the uneventful summer where you basically lied around and wanting to et busy again....the fall provides that in a great way up north, then the winter is okay in the beginning but can be a downer towrds the end, usually the time people start to thnk about coming to fl, but the spring feels great because your coming out of the gloomy winter...then the summer starts off well, you feel like its time to relax a bit and unwind but by the end of it you want to get wound up- again....without the season change I notice people become dull andsort of bleh to life in general...thats exactly what life is like in florida...and the people realize it they tend to be really stupid....your thoughts.

Is squid and cut up mackerel good bait for catching halibut and shark?

Any other suggestions,jigs, live bait, etc. I'm fishing off the rocks on a pier sort of thing with a tower lighthouse I think in Santa Barbara anything for shark too because I'm going for halibut thresher and leopard sharks manta Ray sting Ray and halibut need help Ty

What is a good introduction and conclusion...?

I am writing a paper about three personality traits on Victor Frankenstein in the novel Frankenstein. What would be a good intro and conclusion for this paper. I need an attention getter for the introduction too.

How do you handle a situation like mines baby mama drama?

You can sue her you know.I dont know what you call it,but you can.He needs to tell her to stop comming to his work place period.He can lose his job that way.And shes just trying to ruine a happy home but dont let her get the best of you.Be strong,do some research and maybe talk to a lawyer,for advice or counsoler.Good Luck.

The name of a old anime?

the entire anime series is kind of fuzzy but of what i do remember, to help you getter a better idea of what it might be, is that these kids find a lab,or whatever you would call it since i vaguely remember it (machinery type), that has this machine that allows several people to be digitalized ( i think thats what they called it in the series) into challenge worlds but the only reason why they do it is because upon activating the machine they released a enemy that is trying to take over there world, and it just so happens that the machine is able to revert all the damage done by the enemy, i think the things name was zane or something like that, by going to before the corruption in their world started happening, though the enemy didnt do the same thing in which he just did another attack at a different time in their world. in the worlds that they went to there was a pink ( i think thats the color) haired girl that helped them in which they later bring into their world. the guy that is at the mainframe (if you would call it that) that watches over and helps. i think his name was Jeromy. oh and each time they reverted there would always be like a white half-sphere that would slowly encase the area, i think it was probably the entire world, and after it was done all the damage was gone and it was back to a few minutes i believe before the damage started.

Does she still have feelings for me? I dont know what's going on?

I want my ex back and this week we both went to vegas for a work trip/vacation (im 19 she's 18) we talked and everything, we joked with each other and we hung out a lot. We broke up 4 months ago and it's because shes going off to college next year. We didnt have any arguments during the vacation but we did sit together and hang out a lot. Im pretty sure I caught her a couple of times staring at me in the pool and at other times. I feel like she still has feelings for me, but im not sure. I want her back really bad, I wanted to tell her how I felt but i never got a good opportunity. The last we night we were there she got a call from her parents because they were staying at a different hotel and all of the seminars were at the hotel i was staying at. We were walking around the mirage with a couple of friends when she got a call from her parents it was 10 pm and they were waiting at the lobby of the hotel for her, they argued and she started to cry because her parents were mad at her and she was in trouble. We got back to the hotel and we went to my room cause she left her gear bag there and we had to grab it. We got in the elevator just us and she said she was in big trouble, so i pulled her in and just gave her a hug cause she was really distraught about her family. When i gave her the hug she put her arms around my hips. We got to my room and she grabbed her stuff and i gave her another hug and just told her she's only gotta put up with it for another month. Heading back to the lobby she was freaking out a I rubbed her back and she didnt do anything to stop me. does she have feelings for me still? (she was my first girlfriend too (i know pathetic) so I dont know whats going on)

Is there something wrong w/ me?

i dont know if there is actually something wrong with me, or if im just an attention getter, but i do weird things. i'll tell myself strange ideas, such as that the trees are watching over me when i'm alone in the woods, or i'll make up weird rituals on the spot, like picking only purple flowers and then tossing them into a lake or touching things in a certain order. I am sometimes very easily irritated, bored and unhappy, but other times i am very happy and excited. i've sometimes been so anxious i've begun crying. I tried cutting twice; once out of curiousity, thinking it would be "cool" to try, and once out of anger after i fought with my parents. When things like these happen i sometimes wonder if I am just doing it for attention and then feel extremely guilty over it. I tend to make up stories in my head and convince myself they are real, and often i can't stay motivated. Is there something wrong with me, or am I just a really weird person?

Writing a seminar on Courage? Help please?

I'm writing my seminar on courage and I'm going to be talking about how my aunt with cf has been courageous with her disease, and also connecting it to a book I read, and to the book To Kill a Mockingbird because its one of the requirements for the seminar. It has to be 12 minutes long and I'm trying to gather more ideas about what to talk about and how to start it?

What do you think about this guitar?is it a good quality guitar?

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I need a good attention getter for my speech about how animal testing is good!?

I'd appreciate it if anyone can help me... its for my speech final.. and its for tomorrow! please anyone.. help! :)

My friend has a crush on me? How can I make it stop?

One of my guy friends likes me. I can totally tell too, we have seminar together and he sits on my desk and talks to me. He NEVER leaves me alone, he goes through my stuff, asks for my gum, rubs my arm...(creepy. i know.), sits right by me lunch and stands by me in the lunch line. Today while I was walking to the lunch line he said, "Hey sexy, uh sassy." I was sooo shocked and I felt really uncomfortable. I don't have a crush on him and I NEVER was attracted to him. But the guy I do like sits right in front of me in seminar and happens to be on of his friends. Lately I've been ignoring him but it doesn't work. I don't want to tell him because I'm not for sure that he likes me "like that." I only have like 2 weeks of school left, should I just suck it up and deal with it or what? What can I do?

How long should someone be in an acting school?

Hello, i just need a quick training, but I would like to know how long would someone have to be in an acting school because I see that they have seminars and workshops for just a day and they have classes up to 9 weeks, is it ever a year of acting training? What's up with it? I would like just about 2 weeks of that good? P.S. I'm 16 years old and i've had training for at least 3 months during the summer at Goodman that enough for me?

How can I get guys to notice my boobs?

oh k so i wish i could see ur beautiful boobs and feel myself the lukiest one in this world.. any ways the trick is just wear some low neck t-shirts or tight fitting t-shirts... i'm sure every guy would love to notice them for sure...

Do guys like Emos/Scenes?

I say don't go emo. you look very cute just the way you are, assuming you look like what you say you look like, rawr :)

Help with English. Please?

I need help coming up with an attention getter. My topic is the Transportation in Italy. But i cant think of anything that could really grab their attention. Anything would be helpful. Thanks.

Should i take muscle supplements, im 14 ?

i start 9th grade i want to be big so i decided to take some six star muscle building tablets and my friends say if i take my body will never develop is that true

I was just recently diagnosed with anxiety,depression,ocd, and borderline personality disorder.?

i'm having a hard time accepting my diagnosis and feel sortof alone in this whole struggle.part of me feels like im "crazy" now coming to realizations that the way I thought and felt isn't normal. I was so used to my thought patterns and superstitions as I felt like they helped me to "predict" the future to feel more secure but now I realize how irrational i've been and that it just causes more anxiety for me.I feel this huge weight of guilt and shame over this and continue to beat myself up over nothing literally except my irrational thoughts and failing to be perfect. I feel awful but I know there's a light at the end of the tunnel somewhere in the sea i'm currently lost in and just need some guidance from someone with experience. Ty so much <3

What the hell is wrong with me?

I used to have people I could lean on. I am a self injurer- a bad one. I have scars absolutely EVERYWHERE. I had a counsler I loved, but I cant see her anymore, hospital related. My dad gave up on me and forbids me to see my mom or the woman who helps me the most. He call me an attention getter and it's gotten so bad that I want to die and I think about suicide everyday of my life. Is this all there is to life? It feels like its never going to get better.

What is the format for the closing paragraph in a 5 paragraph essay?

The intro goes attention getter, explain that, quote, 3 main factors, thesis. How do I write the closing paragraph? Thanks.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Can my employer legally demand a prize I've won?

No, the TV is yours. It was your name called in the raffle, not the store's. Start looking for a new job with less greedy people and enjoy your new TV.