Wednesday, July 13, 2011

We dated for 7 years, can he really wipe me out of his life completely?

His mum never approved of me. He never really integrated me in his life, I was kind of left out of most things. Family celebrations, his graduations... He is very close to his mum and tried to get us to get along, and we did for a while. I was frustrated a lot of the time because he always listened to his mum in everything. Our outings were short, he always had to get back by 7pm for dinner with his family. If not that he always had work to do (he was a medic student, now a doctor). We never did things with anyone else, i.e. our friends, the very few times we went out was together. I craved a normal relationship and did complain quiet a lot. It severely effected my education. He wouldn't take me out much, but he wouldn't be happy about me going out clubbing... I would let my friends down on multiple occasions because it would create arguments. I was so frustrated that he was getting he wanted of me, but I wasn't getting the same that I would lash out a lot. I failed a lot - he wanted me to succeed because his family only want an educated daughter in-law who was a real go getter. But I just couldn't live up to that, I didn't feel supported enough by him. He cheated on me, because he says we were just arguing and she actually listened to all his problems. His mum actually said "why would he need to go elsewhere if he had everything here". So after the infidelity, I began acting really careless, and he ended up breaking up with me, because he said I put my friends first. After a 2 month break i contacted him and we reconciled. Everything was amazing for 2 weeks, until his mum turned up to my mums work place and told her that he is still seeing that girl. I had final year exams and really didn't want to do badly so i said i wanted to put things on hold until everything is sorted out. He acted nonchalant and said that i was leaving him when he needed me the most (he says his mum was really ill and that his job was on the line). I tried to put me first because he was acting really weird and i didn't want my exams to suffer. So if he did something odd, i'd just ignore him. He said it wasn't supportive and then one day just started ignoring me. He broke up with me for good, just told text me saying I just want you to know I wont bother you any more. I'm not going to work any more, its done. I ignored that, I wanted to focus on my exams, so after my exams when I contacted him, he was furious, saying i'm not his friend, that I wasn't there for him when he needed me.. Blamed me for everything. Wouldn't speak to me directly just text me...

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