Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Caught between two men?

I am in a semi happy marriage for almost 6 years and have two kids ages 2 and 4. I have noticed that for the last year I have been unhappy in my marriage. I keep wanting more out of my life but my husband won't allow for any changes like getting a baby sitter so one or both of us can go out and have some fun or alone time. We got married when I was 19 and he was 29 (I am now 25 and he is 35). He is very controlling of me and our kids. His main concern is money. He would not even allow me any access to his money or mine until last year. He then gave me my debit card back because i told him if he didn't i was going to leave cause i was his wife not his daughter and i wanted us to be partners. He gets paid 1,880 a month and i get paid 1000 a month. Our rent is 870 a month. He won't explain to me why he can not pay rent with the money he has. I have to give him 600 a month so he can "pay the bills". We do not have any debt for him to be paying and we have no credit cards. I have to use the 400 i have left to pay for car insurance for 2 cars and his motorcycle, buy groceries, and pay for gas. When I ask for money to buy clothes for the kids he always tells me there is no money and he needs me to give him some. On the other side he does almost anything I ask for like brings me a towel if i was in a hurry in the morning and forgot to get one and little things like that and he can be very sweet. I just recently got a new job and one of the ppl working at my new job is an old crush I had all through high school (Leo). My husband and i split up for a while and in that time Leo and I had an intimate moment. Leo has been telling me that he loves me and wants to take care of me and my kids. I am not one to lie and i have told my husband about all of this and he has given me till Friday to decide who i want to be with. Leo is someone that I can relate to and talk about anything and i can laugh with him. We have a lot of history together. The only downside with him is that he doesn't have a car or a license, he is 27 and i am used to a little more maturity and seriousness that seems to come with age. He is a very passive man unlike my husband who is a go getter and can be aggressive (my husband has never been violent with me). My husband is tall and well built whereas Leo is the same height as me and on the scrawny side. My husband is more my type physically and Leo is more my type mentally. I am unsure if I should stay in my marriage and try to work things out and bring back the spark my husband and i had when we first got together and stay together for the kids, or if I should take my chances with Leo. I'm worried that Leo might not have the maturity to handle me and two kids. He also does not have a car and we are both working at a dead end job just because it pays the bills. People keep telling me he doesn't have a future and I should stay with my husband. I want to be able to make my own decision, but I am having a hard time choosing and seeing who is the better man to stay with. I need an unbiased person to help me see the whole picture so I make the best choice I can in this situation.

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