Thursday, July 14, 2011

Can someone help me figure out how to stop letting things get me so frustrated and anxious?

I'm a single mom and I don't get any child support from my ex. He gave up parental rights 9 years ago. Anyway, It's really hard. I mean I don't have any family to rely on or anything, just myself and although I'm a go getter and hard worker I'm tired. I've been to the hospital for exhaustion once and my mother says, Oh honey I had it worse than you ever had it so get on with it and buck up and do what you got to do to take care of those kids. Then my dad says, "Nobody will ever marry you cause you got kids." Then he says, "just get on welfare and quit trying to run yourself to death." Oh my!! I guess I'm just having a pity party day today because it's all coming to the forefront. I'm so frustrated and anxious about bills. There's never enough, I mean I'm making it I'm literally living in survivor mode. I don't like survivor mode. However, I know that I'm not the only one out there like this but I feel like it. I see these mom's driving escalades and staying at home and I think, Man you don't know how good you got it. I do have the Lord and I know that he helps us in time of need as I wouldn't have made it this far without him. I'm just down. Any Advice? Thank you.

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